What’s behind the Certified Management Consultant (CMC)?

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When you see the initials “CMC” following a consultant’s name, it means that he or she is a Certified Management Consultant and has met strict certification requirements of The Institute was founded in 1969 by the principal associations in the consulting field to establish publicly recognized standards of competence and professional conduct for the  individual management consultant.  Applicants for Institute certification undergo thorough investigation of their consulting experience; they are interviewed by a panel of senior consultants to verify their technical competence; and they must pass a written examination evidencing their familiarity with the Institute’s Code of Professional Conduct, which they have pledged in writing to follow.

A Code of Professional Conduct      

CMC’s pledge in writing to abide by the Institute’s Code of Professional  Conduct.  Their adherence to the Code signifies voluntary assumption of self- discipline above and beyond the requirements of law.  Key provisions of the Code require that CMCs: 

  • Safeguard confidential information
  • Render impartial, independent advice
  • Accept only those client engagements they are qualified to perform
  • Agree with the client in advance on the basis for professional charges
  • Develop realistic and practical solutions to client problems.

The Institute enforces the Code by receiving and investigating complaints of violations and by taking disciplinary action, against any member who is found guilty of Code violation.

Standards of Competence

Every step leading to the CMC designation has been designed to verify the candidate’s professional competence. 

  • A Certified Management Consultant must have had at least five years of experience in the full-time practice of management consulting, with major responsibility for client projects during at least one of those years.
  • The CMC has had to provide multiple references, most of  them officers or executives of clients served.  These references have been thoroughly interrogated to assure that consulting relationships were satisfactory.
  • The CMC has had to provide written summaries of five Client assignments (disguised to protect client identity).
  • The CMC has had to pass a qualifying interview by senior CMCs, demonstrating professional competence and currency in areas of specialization, application of experience, and understanding of the management consulting process.

A Mark of Excellence

In selecting management consultants, managers are well advised to seek individuals who meet the profession’s own standards of competence and ethics.  Institute certification is a valuable aid in this quest.  It is the mark of excellence among management consultants.

Submitted by Angelo Kehayas (FCMC) 2017

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Written by Angelo Kehayas
Angelo is a Public and Key Note Speaker, a Business, Executive and Leadership Coach. He has served at senior level in blue chip companies and has established and run successful ventures in multiple industries. He has designed and delivered corporate development programmes, focused speaking events, and has coached executives, business leaders and entrepreneurs. He specialises in challenging assignments, solving systems problems and facilitating group and team planning sessions. He is certified as a Master Coach, Certified Management Consultant and NLP Practitioner.

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