Qualities of Smart Business People

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I recently came across an old article by Sherre Campbell where she identifies 15 Qualities of “Smart” Business People. This definitely gets you thinking about your own qualities and those in your team. Well worth a read.

The 15 Qualities are:

1. Intuitive

Smart people do not just rely on facts, they listen to and follow their intuition. They are aware of when and how their intuitions and insights come to them. They are internally tuned-in to make wise decisions.

 2. Conscious

Smart people know who they are and are conscious of their emotional and behavioral tendencies across situations. They know their strengths, weaknesses, personality traits, values, morals and beliefs.

3. Reflective

Smart people look back on, and learn from, experiences. They do not get stuck in the past but know they must look in the review mirror to properly navigate the front window. As they look back they take inventory on what they can learn from their experiences.

 4. Creative

Smart people are never satisfied with one level of advancement of their product, themselves or their business. They are drawn to new ideas, radical thoughts and innovative ways of changing and doing things.

 5. Open-minded

Smart people welcome different perspectives and see opportunities where most do not. They see the mind as a parachute – it works best when open. Smart people are comfortable in paradoxical situations and have a passion for problem solving and fixing things in new and inventive ways.

 6. Timely

Smart people recognise and respond immediately to opportunities and people. They act and react quickly, taking care of what needs to be done well ahead of schedule.

 7. Resourceful

Smart people know where to get whatever information, resources, supplies, training and education they need when they need it. They have copious resources.

 8. Independent

Smart people habitually question authority. They do not blindly accept what so-call experts preach. They ask deeper questions others do not so as to discover their own truths. It is only through the discovery of their own truths that they can validate implementing new strategies.

 9. Lifelong learners

Smart people use their minds to the fullest. They are consummate learners. They are not lazy in their thinking and see the discovery of all new information as upgrades to their skills, knowledge, cutting edge information, attitudes and beliefs.

 10. Lighthearted

Smart people do not take life or themselves too seriously. They have a sense of humour about things and recognise the importance of finding the joy in the irony and comedy of everyday life.

11. Explorers

Smart people are willing to try new things, knowing that if what they try at first doesn’t work out as they had hoped, it is no harm, no foul. They accept their failures as cleverly disguised learning opportunities.

 12. Believe in themselves

Smart people, knowing who they are, believe and trust in themselves first foremost. They do not need the validation of others to make decisions. They instinctively know what is right for them and they go after it.

 13. Write goals on paper

Smart people have well-developed life strategies that include writing of goals, visions, desires and dreams they want to achieve. They tend to be avid journalers, list makers and dreamers. Writing is their first step in making their dreams a reality.

14. Pay it forward

Smart people generously give success, knowledge and information to others. They are teachers, guides, mentors and helpers. They put themselves out here so the rest of us can benefit.

 15. Re-invent themselves

Smart people abhor status quo and cannot stand being stagnated. They crave growth and development and are willing to shift their image, brand, logo, company name or change their direction entirely if necessary.

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Written by Paul Whalley
Paul Whalley is a Professional Engineer with an MBA and a post master’s certificate in Leadership Coaching. He is a certified Management Consultant and Master Coach and is accredited with the Institute for Independent Business as well as being a Founders Circle member of the John Maxwell Team of trainers, speakers and coaches. He has over twenty five years of corporate global leadership experience and currently runs a professional services company focusing on strategy, change management, and leadership. He is a co-developer of the PowerUp range of coaching and consulting business solutions and can be contacted at pwhalley@profweb.co.za.

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