Seizing Your Future

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Seizing Your Future


Your landscape is already becoming increasingly volatile, explosively uncertain, spasmodically complex and progressively ambiguous. Your time horizons (short-mid-long) appear indistinct, blurry and fuzzy. Your future has suddenly turned out not only vague but contradicting as well. What a ‘perfect’ storm!

Additionally, you have to pick between too many futures (probable, creatable, preferred, surprising and planned).
Moreover, you have to achieve sustainable long-term growth and renewal through constrained resources and restricted self-funding. What a boggling oxymoron!

So, how do you sail into such ‘perfect’ storm(s)? How do you address such perplexing oxymora? How can you retool such apparent serendipity into pragmatic certainty?

Strategic Innovators, a handpicked breed of exceptional skippers worldwide, have some answers to these tantalizing challenges. They’re already navigating successfully in these ‘perfect’ storms.
They’re amalgamating and combining their time horizons. They’re unifying and fusing their variable futures. They’re blending contradictions, mingling incongruities and interweaving oxymora. By and large, strategic innovators are retooling artificial serendipity into practical certainty. How? Concurrently;
they snatch open spaces within, grasp white spaces around and seize untapped spaces beyond. In parallel; they optimize business models, enrich portfolio offerings and craft novel pathways. Synchronously; they extract free cashflows and self-fund responsible wealth creation for all stakeholders concerned.

Time though for a penetrating glimpse! Let’s discover what they are doing. Let’s uncover how they are doing it. Let’s sneak a quick look at their methods, approaches and toolsets.

Snatching Open Spaces Within (Optimizing)

Strategic Innovators transform existing turbulent markets by optimizing their business models. How? They snatch open spaces within, instead of relentlessly economizing and ruthlessly cost-cutting. They vigorously practice business model innovation methodologies in holistically reconfiguring their architectural components (customer value propositions, profit formulae, key resources, key processes, business rules, behavioural norms and success metrics). They pinch on “open” gaps, breaks and pauses. What tools do they use?
Specifically; they create cross-group solution teams, hold tournaments and challenges, manage idea and concept competitions, apply consumer-inspired
development, and build vibrant communities of practice.

Grasping White Spaces Around (Innovating)

Strategic Innovators deal with industry discontinuities by enriching their offering portfolios. How? They grasp white spaces around. They clench onto “white” openings, intervals and interims. And what tools do they deploy? Particularly; they implement innovation pipeline roadmaps, engage in innovation immersions, run innovation training, manage thought leader resource networks, and form innovation councils.

Seizing Untapped Spaces Beyond (Pioneering)

Strategic Innovators create new markets/categories by crafting novel pathways. How? They seize untapped spaces. They capture “untapped” plots, places and areas. And what tools do they adopt? Exceptionally; they formulate strategic innovation workshops, incubate innovation labs, submerse into thought leader panels, execute strategic imagination drills and activate venture boards.

But, this is what Strategic Innovators are already doing.

What are you doing?

How are you sailing these perfect storm(s)?

How are you encountering these swelling oxymora?

Are you applying these novel solution toolkits?

Are you retooling serendipity into certainty?

Are you seizing all your future spaces hands-on?

Would your enterprise like to innovate strategically? If yes, then email Angelo Kehayas – to arrange for a custom workshop.


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Constantinos Stavropoulos CMC® helps enterprises become Strategic Innovators, by building strategic foresight execution capabilities. He is also a global conference speaker, published author and facilitator customizing your workshops/retreats. Founder and CEO of InnoValue with a 33-year business path, Constantinos specializes in strategy and innovation, with an interim executive management record of multiple CEO assignments, board appointments and representation engagements. He is a Certified Management Consultant (CMC®), serving IMC USA as appointed Lead Delegate and Board Member, with a Distinguished Service Award for his sustained contributions. Constantinos is a passionate internationalist, who loves golfing and cherishes sailing.

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